Research Centres

The Cairnmillar Research Centre's produce high quality research outcomes that positively impact on our communities. While Cairnmillar academics and students are key contributors to our growing body of research, each Centre benefits from collaborations with community organisations, industry experts, governments, multidisciplinary professionals and universities in both Australia and overseas.

Centre for Child, Parent & Family Research

Focuses on prevention and early intervention with a specific interest in parenting and understanding how to identify, assess and support children, parents and families at risk of mental health difficulties.

Centre for Integration of Teaching Scholarship, Research and Practice

Conducts research that enhances the Cairnmillar Triple Helix model where the three pillars: Education, Practice and Research are integrated to reinforce and strengthen each other.

Centre for Mental Health Research: Intervention and Translation

Conducts research to improve the understanding, practice and outcome across the spectrum of mental health with the aim to improve outcomes and the quality of life for those who experience mental health problems and the people who support them.

Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Disability Research

Promotes and contributes to health, wellbeing and disability reform with the explicit intent of improving health outcomes for all Australians.