Associate Professor RoseAnne Misajon

PhD BA(Honours)Psych BSc/BA

  • Course Coordinator
  • Unit Coordinator
  • Research Supervisor
Associate Professor RoseAnne Misajon

Research Expertise

  • Subjective wellbeing and health-related quality of life measurement
  • Chronic illness and disability
  • Inclusivity and diversity, wellbeing among migrant and refugee populations

Research Supervision

  • Doctorate/PhD
  • Masters
  • Honours


Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Research Methods and Project (unit coordinator)

Evidence-based practice and Practice-based evidence (unit coordinator)

Clinical Expertise

General. Currently non-practising


Prior to joining CMI in 2017, RoseAnne worked for 10 years in Behavioural Studies at Monash University, and previously as a researcher at the University of Melbourne’s Key Centre for Women’s Health and Centre for Eye Research Australia.

RoseAnne’s key areas of research include quality of life and subjective wellbeing, particularly, health-related quality of life (psychometrics and scale development, chronic illness, and disability), as well as subjective wellbeing in diverse populations, particularly minority groups and marginalised populations. She has an interdisciplinary approach to research, having collaborated with researchers from health economics, sociology, medicine, public health, cultural studies, and anthropology.  RoseAnne was involved in the development of several quality-of-life-related measures that are used internationally.  More recently, she has been interested in looking at migrant and refugee populations, experiences of discrimination, including racial and cultural microaggressions, and the impact on wellbeing and psychological distress.

Key Publications

Olsen, J.A. & Misajon, R. (2020). A conceptual framework of health related quality of life dimensions: Key lessons for a new instrument. Quality of Life Research, 29(3), 733-743.  

Misajon, R., Pallant, J., & Bliuc, A. (2016). Rasch analysis of the Personal Wellbeing Index. Quality of Life Research, 25(10), 2265-2269 

Bliuc, A.-M., McGarty, C., Thomas, E., Lala, G., Berndsen, M. & Misajon, R. (2015). Public division about climate change rooted in conflicting socio-political identities. Nature Climate Change, 5, 226–229.  

Misajon, R., Hawthorne, G., Richardson, J., Peacock, S., Iezzi, A., & Keeffe, J.E. (2005) Vision and quality of life: The development of a utility measure.  Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46(11), 4007-4015. 

Cummins, R.A., Eckersley, R. Pallant, J. Van Vugt, J, & Misajon, R. (2003). Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing:  The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index.  Social Indicators Research, 64, 159-190.