Jennifer Coburn

M.Ed M.A GCHE B.A(Hons) Psych with Crim. MAPS FHERDSA

  • Course Coordinator
  • Senior Lecturer and Unit Coordinator
  • Research Supervisor
  • Psychologist and Counsellor

Research Expertise

  • Professional practice of psychologists, counsellors and/or psychotherapists
  • Training of psychologists, counsellors and/or psychotherapists
  • Wisdom in practice (phronesis and practice wisdom)
  • Climate change / climate distress / climate awareness
  • Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis / Thematic Analysis / Philosophical Hermeneutic Inquiry

Research Supervision



CAP101 Counselling Theories and Models (Bachelor of Psychology and Counselling)
CAP401 Psychotherapeutic Theories and Models (Graduate Certificate of Counselling and Psychotherapy)
CAP405 Cognitive Behaviour Therapies (ACT) (Graduate Certificate of Counselling and Psychotherapy)
CAP412 Ethics and Professional Development (Graduate Diploma of Counselling and Psychotherapy)
Practical Ethics for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (joint PACFA and Cairnmillar Institute course)

Clinical Expertise

Jennifer has practiced in the fields of psychology and counselling for over two decades, working with adults and late adolescents in the alcohol and other drug counselling, criminal justice and mental health fields. I have worked in government agencies, private practice, residential rehablitation, therapeutic communities and EAP services.


Jennifer has worked at The Cairnmillar Institute since 2018. She is passionate about learning, teaching and the experience of being a reflective practitioner. Jennifer is the Course Coordinator of the Bachelor of Psychology and Counselling. She teaches into the Bachelor program, as well as the postgraduate Counselling and Psychotherapy programs. Jennifer has a Fellowship of Teaching, awarded by HERDSA in 2021.

She Co-Chairs the Centre for Integration of Teaching Scholarship, Research and Practice. Jennifer is a past Chair of the Academic and Integrity Committee at the Cairnmillar Institute, past Course Coordinator of the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy and past President of the Society of Counselling and Psychotherapy Educators (SCAPE / ACCAPE). She is a current member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)’s Education Program Accreditation Committee (EPAC). Jennifer supervisors Psychology Honours students and has published papers with students. Jennifer is a PhD candidate at Monash University, undertaking a philosophical hermeneutic inquiry into how ambiguity, uncertainty, and wisdom is experienced in the professional practice of mid-career counselling professionals.

Key Publications

Peer reviewed published articles: 

Winzenried, C., & Coburn, J. (2022 – In press) Interpersonal dimensions of self-criticism: Exploring nuanced social processes through vignettes in interpretative phenomenological analysis. Qualitative Research Journal 

Silva, J. F. B., & Coburn, J. (2022). Therapists’ experience of climate change: A dialectic between personal and professional. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 


Peer reviewed conference abstracts: 

Samarawickrema, N., Coburn, J. Swiatek, L., Ducasse, A., Northcote, M., (2021, October). When does feedback cease to be useful and sustainable? Using SOTL to enhance feedback for mental wellbeing among academic staff International Society of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference (ISOTL), Online Conference hosted from Perth, Australia 

Coburn, J., Swiatek, L., Ducass, A., Northcote, M., Partridge, L., Samarawickrema, N. (2021, July). I have got my fellowship, now what?: Supporting post-award teaching and learning practice, reflexivity and planning. HERDSA Conference, Online presentation Brisbane, Australia 

Coburn, J. (2015, July) Seeing things differently: first, second and third year Bachelor student experiences in a transformative learning environment HERDSA Conference, Melbourne, Australia