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    International Student Education Agent Management Policy

    Policy name International Student Education Agent Management Policy
    Policy number SSP013
    Date approved 4 July 2023
    Approving body Academic Board
    Responsible officer Chief Executive Officer
    Implementation officer General Manager
    Next review date July 2028
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    1. Purpose of this policy

    To describe the standards underpinning the Cairnmillar Institute’s (The Institute) approach to ensuring the quality of its contracted Education Agents.

    This policy outlines the principles for the appointment, management, and termination of international Education Agents. This policy is compliant with requirements under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework, the Higher Education Standards Framework together, with the Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics (ACE).

    These regulatory guidelines are noted in the resources and references section below.

    2. Scope

    This policy applies to all Cairnmillar staff and Education Agents engaged on behalf of the Institute.

    3. Definitions and acronyms

    For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure:

    1. Agent: A person or organisation (in or outside Australia) who recruits international students under an agreement with the Institute and refers them to education providers. In doing so, the agent may provide education counselling to overseas students as well as marketing and promotion services to education providers. The term ‘agent’ does not refer to an education institution with whom the University has an agreement for the provision of education (i.e., teaching activities).
    2. Agent Agreement: The agreement between the Institute and the agent including the schedules.
    3. CRICOS: Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.
    4. ESOS Act: Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 of the Commonwealth of Australia.
    5. National Code: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
    6. PRISMS: Provider Registration and International Student Management Systems.
    7. Prospective student: A person who intends to become, or who has taken any steps towards becoming, an ‘overseas student’ or ‘intending overseas student’ as defined by the ESOS Act.

    4. Policy

    4.1 Cairnmillar engages and manages Education Agents to:

    1. Support the Institutes’ student recruitment objectives,
    2. Promote the Institute’s programs and courses,
    3. Undertake lead-generation activities and assist with the conversion of these leads,
    4. Provide in-country representation in existing, new and emerging markets for the Institute,
    5. Counsel students on CMI’s pathway programs and provide ‘leads’ to these CMI programs,
    6. Undertake Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) checks prior to the submission of applications to CMI,
    7. Provide market intelligence, including trends, program popularity and demand to inform future recruitment strategy development.

    4.2 Cairnmillar’s Students Services Function is responsible for the management of CMI Education Agents, including:

    1. Communication with Education Agent staff,
    2. Appointment, training, review, and termination of Education Agents,
    3. Conflicts of interest.

    4.3 Student Services undertakes ongoing management of Education Agents to:

    1. Promote the Institute’s programs and courses with integrity and accuracy,
    2. Uphold the high reputation of the Institute and the Australian education sector,
    3. Ensure the prospective students receive high quality customer service,
    4. Ensure transparent, fair, and ethical dealings,
    5. Maintain compliance with CMI’s admissions and policy frameworks, values, and broader legislative requirements. This includes the ESOS legislative framework including the National Code, the Higher Education Standards Framework, and the Agent Code of Ethics,
    6. Ensure adequate performance in terms of student quantity, quality and diversity as well as meeting any set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    4.4 CMI will immediately suspend, discontinue, or terminate a contract with Education Agents who:

    1. Promote the Institute’s programs and courses with integrity and accuracy,
    2. Uphold the high reputation of the Institute and the Australian education sector,
    3. Ensure the prospective students receive high quality customer service,
    4. Ensure transparent, fair, and ethical dealings,
    5. Maintain compliance with CMI’s admissions and policy frameworks, values, and broader legislative requirements. This includes the ESOS legislative framework including the National Code, the Higher Education Standards Framework, and the Agent Code of Ethics,
    6. Ensure adequate performance in terms of student quantity, quality and diversity as well as meeting any set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    5. Procedures

    5.1. SSP001 Student Selection, Admission, and Enrolment Procedures (Higher Education)

    5.2. SSP013 International Student Education Agent Management Procedure

    6. Resources and References